Summer is here and the timing is hot for several GWC collaborative projects. Check out these latest updates as we move forward making a collective impact for sustainable safe water.
Ghana Water Education Project Training of Trainers Wraps Up
We recently concluded three weeks of in-person training of ten instructors at Saint Paul’s Technical School in Akyem Kukurantumi, Ghana. This is the first training to prepare the instructors to deliver the courses next year for the new national certificate program. Please click here for more information about the project.
Many thanks to our partners at Safe Water Network, Cleanearth Scientific, Water Mission, and Grundfos Ghana for delivering this training and to the teachers and administration at St. Paul’s Technical School for being fantastic students and excellent organizers. We also want to acknowledge the efforts of our GWC staff, Eileen Dyer Jarnholt the Project Manager for the technical and vocational training program, and Lillian Rudacille, the Manager of Administration for their work in coordinating the training, as well as Lisa Mitchell, our Director of Learning Services and Benjamin Filskov, our Director of Strategic Initiatives and Collective Impact, for the support they provided in Ghana during the training. Well done team!
This project is our first step in our Ghana and Beyond plan to replicate and scale this water curriculum certificate program across Africa. We will keep you updated along the way, below are upcoming milestones.

September 2023 – ½ Day Water Education Stakeholders Meeting
January 2024 – Launch the National Certificate Program in Ghana
Ongoing – Planning to scale this Water Education program to additional African Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes.
GWC Staff Making Plans for 2024 and Beyond

We are making more plans to collaborate regionally and with governments across the world. We welcome additional partners, big and small, to the table.
Global Water Center Joins the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA)
The Millennium Water Alliance, founded in 2012, is one of the world’s leading collaborations in the water security, sanitation, and hygiene (WSSH) sector, supporting its members through shared learning, convening on best practices and technology, and advocacy to governments and other stakeholders for greater investment in global WSSH. MWA’s member organizations work in more than 90 countries around the world to bring safe drinking water, better sanitation, and hygiene practices to millions of people. See a full list of members here.

The Global Water Center shares MWA’s vision for great learning and collaboration across the WSSH sector,” said MWA Executive Director Keith Wright. “Improving this will be key to accelerating WSSH access for millions of people.”
Many thanks to Millennium Water Alliance for welcoming us. We are excited about this partnership and discovering new ways to collaborate with sector leaders.
Solar-Powered Water System Training Coming to India
Earlier this year, we began working with our partners, Grundfos and Safe Water Network, on providing our Solar-Powered Water System (SPWS) training to engineers in the state of Karnataka in India. Karnataka is one of the most water-stressed states in India according to the Water Resource Department of the Government of Karnataka.

GWC Board travels to Honduras
Last month, our Founder and CEO, Dr. George Greene III, traveled to Honduras with Global Water Center and Water Mission board members. While there, they participated in a ceremony to celebrate a large-scale, long-term safe water project. Watch this video from Water Mission’s President and CEO, George Greene IV, PE, to learn about this community’s transformation over the last six years.
Dr. Greene with GWC and Water Mission board members in Honduras.

GWC collaborates to develop, share, replicate, and scale solutions for sustainable safe water access, with longevity at the core. Together, we can reduce the number of people who lack access to safe water from 2 Billion to 0 in our lifetime.
Safe water saves lives.