Every written piece Global Water Center produces includes this one line: Collaboration,
innovation, and education to keep rural water sources safe & flowing for good. Obviously,
collaboration is the only way that our mission can be envisioned and achieved on a global scale.
But just as obvious, if we are willing to keep our self-reflections real, is the challenge of leading
and living collaboratively.

Collaboration requires leading for the sake of others. It requires a pace and grace in leadership
to know, understand, and build relational trust. It requires an internal leadership culture that
lives between the tension of measurable goals and the difficulty of measuring all that it takes to
grow and maintain collaborative relationships – for good.

There is a daily temptation to compromise on all the hard work necessary to grow a
collaborative culture for the sake of expedience and self-promotion. This is one of the greatest
challenges that GWC will continue to face as we grow, so the image that I keep top of mind and
often reflect on is:

GWC has already begun to reap the joy, influence, and exponential impact of working
collaboratively with others across the water sector. It is the way forward. So, join with us in . . .
Collaboration, innovation, and education to keep rural water sources safe & flowing for good.

Thomas Johnston
Chief Executive Officer

Compiling stories for our Impact Report reinforced our belief in the power of the ripple effect.

We created one course… and now the Solar Powered Water Systems online course has been
downloaded in 131 countries.

We piloted one water technician training program in Ghana… and now we’re in the process of
setting up similar programs in two other countries.

We trained 18 master trainers in Karnataka, India… and now they are training over 300 of their

Of course, we didn’t do any of this alone.

We collaborated with Water Mission, UNICEF, Grundfos, Grundfos SafeWater, Grundfos
Foundation (PDJF), Safe Water Network, The Coca-Cola Foundation, CAWST, Cleanearth
Scientific, CTVET, Royal Eijkelkamp, and many others.

Plus, none of this work would be possible without the generous support of our investors.

Together, we are solving the global water crisis… one ripple of change at a time.

Read the Impact Report April 2024

Resource Corner

Insightful research and exciting programs for the rural water sector:

We want to highlight YOU

Every reader, every supporter, every partner is vitally important to us.

Could your story appear in our next newsletter?

We want this newsletter to highlight people from all professions, backgrounds, and
experiences who are willing to use their sphere of influence to deliver safely managed
water from every source…to every tap…for every person, to end the global water crisis.

Why you are passionate about saving lives with safe water?

Email Alyson Rockhold at [email protected] to share your story.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Everyone deserves access to safely managed water.

Follow us online for more updates on our exciting work around the world.